The baseball team is ranked 1st and will play #4 Wright State tonight at 7:00 at the Lupton Stadium. Tickets are sold out but there is still standing room available (I'm making sure I wear comfy shoes). Right now, #2 TX A&M is playing #3 Oregon State. It's a real privilege to host a NCAA tournament and hopefully the home field crowd will help cheer the Frogs to sweeping the whole thing. Tomorrow's games will be played at 2 and 7.
On a more somber note, today is my last day with the TCU Soccer team as a staff member. :(
I had so much fun playing as a Horned Frog and then getting the opportunity to stay 2 more years and work with the program was such a great experience. I am soo thankful and appreciative to the entire coaching staff. Mark, you always knew how to push my buttons and win a disagreement and then we could settle everything over Chipotle. Adam, your accent made it too easy to just laugh at you no matter what you said. Michelle, I'm going to miss hanging out with you in the office everyday and going on walks and getting the Best Salads EVER!! Dan, Thank you so much for ever

Lastly, I just want to say good luck to all of the current and future TCU Soccer players. Cherish your time here and the friends you make because trust me, it goes by soo fast (even if practice doesn't hehe)!!