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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Frogs Remain Undeafeated on the Season!
It was a solid and experienced Ole Miss squad, so the way our group responded was tremendous. Freshman Katie Runyon got us on the board in the second half with just a great follow up effort, where she just ran through the ball to get it in the net. Freshman Jordan Calhoun then got the equalizer a minute later scoring her 5th goal in 3 games.
A missed penalty would have secured the win for us and we also had another ball cleared off the line late in the game-so it could have easily been 4 goals on the day for the Frogs. Chelsea Cody and Kaylie Garcia both had great games in the middle of the park.
This was a great character game for us and what we want this early in the season-it will certainly pay off down the road!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Frogs Down Xavier 3-0!
I thought the timing and creativity of our runs were much better from the first game, as the midfield played much crisper balls into the final 3rd. The entire back line did a great job of organizing and keeping us connected-Cheryl Martin, Katie Taylor and Nikki Wilbur (both as a back and mid) communicated well and set a good tone aggressively. Freshman Lindsay Holmes improved tremendously on her positioning while Alex Meshalske was much more dangerous this game and is starting to show her creativity.
Overall, I was extremely impressed with how task oriented the team was in this game and their focus to finish the game off. They really managed the rhythm of play very well! Next one up is Ole Miss tomorrow.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Coach Mark Celebrates 40th Birthday!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Great News For The Frogs On The First Day Of Class!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Dr. Dan Freigang-Sports Psychologist for US Soccer, Bayern Munich & TCU Soccer
It was also great to have Dr. Dan Freigang come join us. This is the second year that Dr. Dan has been a part of our soccer staff as our team sports psychologist and it's been awesome to watch the impact he's made on our group in just a year. He's been integral in helping us build the foundation and expectations our players have for themselves and the program. It's fun to watch him interact with the returners like Lizzy Karoly and Michelle Nguyen, in helping them elevate the level of their game -- if you watch either of those two players from last fall to this year, they have taken things to a whole different level.
Dr. Dan has also been an important part of our team in our leadership development class. We have a group of our players that we meet with once a week and have different tasks they are responsible for. They get the opportunity to lead, delegate, and evaluate within their peer group. Has been a lot of fun and again the results have been huge and very apparent.
Dano, as the team affectionately calls him, has become a great member of our family and last year his son, Will, even gave a Taekwondo lesson to the girls before a big match! So we're happy to have Dr. Dan as a part of our staff and count ourselves among the soccer powerhouses he works with -- Bayern Munich, US Soccer and TCU Soccer!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Frogs Win Opener 5-0!
We had a great atmosphere with over 1200 great Frog Fans in attendance. Thank you to all of you that came out! And a special shout out to Matt Hoover, Bryce Sandivall and Alex Cunninghum for putting together what was the best introduction in college soccer -- I'll try to get it up on-line in the next week, as it is truly something special!
On the to the next game -- Friday versus Xavier!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
TCU Indoor Facility Comes in Handy!
The first part is our field, which is so good that even in a torrential downpour we've got a pitch that you'd have no idea it's been raining. So with rain we've got no problem's with training, lightning on the other hand is one we don't mess with.
While we were on the field warming up yesterday at 6:00 PM our lightning siren went off, but instead of having to cancel practice or wait out the 30 minutes for an all clear we were able to continue practice indoors at the Sam Baugh Indoor Training Facility here at TCU by 6:15 PM. The set up is great with a full size field and goals that allows us to not have to miss a beat.
When I talk to other coaches around the country that are having to cancel training sessions because of weather, I definitely realize how lucky we are here at TCU.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
OSU Recap and Off to the Lake!
So today we're taking the day off and headed out to the lake for a day of R&R! We'll camp overnight and then hang out in the water tomorrow. Should be a great experience and a well deserved bit of fun!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Frogs Take to the Road!
We've talked a lot with the team about understanding the preparation needed on the road so it was great to see so many Gatorade bottles being carried around.
We had dinner at a local steakhouse, which was a nice change from our pre-season training table. It was also great for our 3 of our players, Kaylie Garcia, Kelsey Walters and Jordan Calhoun, who all hail from Oklahoma, to see their parents. Their parents joined us for dinner and the highlight was definitely when birthday girl Kaylie Garcia, got Coach Adam to jump on a saddle, for what should have been her birthday song- trust me pictures on this will be posted!
We finished up the evening with some quick position meetings to just tie up some loose ends and make sure we're ready for tomorrow!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
This Week In TCU Soccer!
Oh yeah and by the way-yes that is U2 on the intro song!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It's a Beautiful Day!
The reason I bring this up, is the Dallas Cowboys, who's new $1 billion stadium is just 10 minutes down the road from us, just left Oxnard, California where they held training camp. They go to Oxnard because of the weather, but the funny thing is yesterday while all of the sports anchors were getting back into the metroplex, all you heard was how the weather was exactly the same here as in Oxnard.
Just thought that was kind of funny as we trained in 85 degree weather today!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Lizzy Karoly returns to America!
After 2 intense training sessions yesterday and a great one this morning, we'll take the team over to my house for a pool workout this afternoon to take a break on their legs -- plus it will be a lot of fun!
My wife and little guy Zak (2 years old), snuck out to California for a couple of days to visit family, so I'm starting to miss them a bit. Zak is becoming such a character and so funny. The other night I had him in bed watching the Olympics with me and he got all excited and started yelling Michael, Michael, cheering on Michael Phelps. My wife told me he did it again last night and his grandfather gave him an American flag, that he just kept waving.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Pre-Season-Day 7!
That competitiveness continued as we focused a ton on our 1v1 defending. It started off with a game to cones, but then we quickly took it to goal as the team was buzzing. We ended up spending the rest of training in 1v1 flying changes, with every player not leaving a thing on the field.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pre-Season-Day 6!
Yesterday's scrimmage finished up strong, with Mark's White team edging Michelle's Purple group 2-1 in 3-mini games. We played a bunch of different formations and combinations of players to just see where players fit in. We'll continue with that this week as we settle into things.
While the team rests today, we'll be evaluating the video from yesterday and breaking it down, preparing for another great week!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Pre-Season-Day 5!
We'll finish up today with an inter squad game. Coach Mark and Coach Michelle drafted teams last night and will coach them. We'll turn on the scoreboard and the music-the whole production, which is unlike any other college soccer atmosphere-our scoreboard is a huge jumbotron that we can show replays or movies on! (Tomorrow the girls get to video their player introductions-it's like your at an NBA game for that) The only thing missing tonight will be the 1500 people we usually have in the stands. Should be fun though and give the girls a taste of the atmosphere.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Pre-Season-Day 4!
Last night we had birthday cake for Michelle Nguyen-which was great by the way-I think I ate half of it.
Also, got a nice phone call today from our one player still missing from camp, Lizzy Karoly, who played her last game in Iceland this evening before she heads back to join us. Can't wait to get her back early next week.
Busy day today, so more details tomorrow, as we'll break out some uniforms and play a purple/white scrimmage!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Pre-Season- Day 3!

We followed that up with one of our teams favorite games: 2 minutes, 2 goals. We break the group into 3 teams and 2 teams play for 2 minutes or 2 goals-whoever wins stays on. What was great was to see the players starting to get to know we each other and combinations starting to arise-a couple of players really stood out-Sophomore Transfer Emma Geyer, Junior Kelly Faerber and Freshman Chelsey Wilgenburg.

We then finished up with a finishing game I stole from good buddy, KC Crabb, called "30 seconds". We play 2v2 inside the 18 yard box with goals on each end line. The object is score as many goals as you can, with a whistle blown every 30 seconds to switch all 4 players off the field. It's fast, intense, and competitive-one of the best finishing games ever. It was actually all tied up until in the very end when Junior Michelle Nguyen-whose 20th birthday is today-bent a quick shot around a defender and into the upper 90 to win it!
Was a great morning, and we get back at it this evening with a classroom session to start sharing our system and then a field session where we'll cover zonal defending!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Pre-Season-Day 2!

We then got into things a bit with the ball, where we just wanted to give them a chance to play and settle in. I was extremely pleased with the technical ability in possession and then we got going to goal, had some great finishes.
What I was most impressed with was the leadership and communication on the field-this group has matured quite a bit in that area and it was apparent.
Some of the highlights from today's training included:
A great flank service from senior Caroline Starns, who found freshman Chelsey Wilgenburg on the back post for a great finish from her head...
Freshman Alex Mechalske's work rate in the fitness...

Sophomore Chelsea Cody-never giving the ball away and hooking up with old club teammate Jordan Calhoun, for a couple of great goals...
Sophomore goalkeeper Kelsey Walters two point blank saves...
There were a ton more and even more ahead!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Day 1-Meeting Day!
Then it's off to meetings-a welcome meeting where we learned we have 2 players that can lick their elbows; a compliance meeting to make sure we don't break any NCAA rules; A meeting with our athletic trainer, Lauren Crawford, so everyone can stay healthy and then the fun ones-equipment-it's like Christmas in August-and team pictures. A team dinner tonight at my house, where all of the new girls get meet my wife and Zak, my 2-year-old little boy.
Training starts tomorrow 8:00 AM where we get down to the business of winning a championship!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Pre-Season Right Around The Corner!
The field is cut perfectly and ready to go!